What's up!!! So much but I can't say it all so we fixing to fast track this sucker. This dude was sitting on his porch reading a book and so we simply were like "good evening what are you reading"? He was reading an english book and we went crazy cuz we're two gringos in the dusty old streets of Colombia. We talked for a while and we told him about our english classes in the church. We told him the time of our sacrament meeting too but thought nothing of it cuz he explained that he was catholic. But Sunday rolled around and the dude was there at church. I sat next to him and walked him through everything. He wanted to know a ton more and was shocked that our church is not full of herotics and crazy irreverent worshiping. This man wanted a book of mormon and to know more. Crazy The other day I got hit on because I was white. We asked this inactive girl to go get her book of mormon, and she comes back wearing a dress which kinda exposed he...
What's up my guys. Just a super brief email for ya. I hope you are doing great. Send ya boy an email. We are super busy. Hopefully the following week we will be even more busy. We are always tired, and I always wanna sleep. My bed is my best friend. Honestly, so much stuff. We stayed at this lady's house for 2 HOURS. Have you ever just sat there listening to someone ramble in your second language for 2 HOURS when you're really tired? Man, it was hard to focus. We were 45 mins in and finally it started getting good, so we began reading and answering her questions about why there are so many churches and about priesthood authority. It was crazy and tiring. One of our friends who we recently baptized texted us and said he wouldn't go to church anymore because there just wasn't any sense in it. When we went to his house we just listened and I asked him many, many questions. Ultimately, I determined that he had not received a testimony of the Book of Mormon. We re...
Hi all! Mama Rouse here. Sorry this email isn't coming directly from Colton. He's trying to figure out the best way to send weekly emails, but it's a bit tough because he does not have access to any computers. He does have a smartphone that he shares with his companion, but typing emails on it would be pretty tough. So he used it to make a video this week and sent it to me through facebook messenger. His hope was that I could email it to all of you, but it isn't going through for some reason. Maybe because it's 15 minutes long!!! I finally decided to edit it to two minutes and send it that way. Sorry you aren't getting the full video, but hopefully this segment will give you a small insight into how he is doing and what he is experiencing. And fingers crossed we come up with a new plan for next week! Btw - here is bit of info from his 15 minute video ... He's been in Colombia for two weeks and is living in a town called So...
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