Your eyes are so cute

What's up!!!  So much but I can't say it all so we fixing to fast track this sucker.

    This dude was sitting on his porch reading a book and so we simply were like "good evening what are you reading"? He was reading an english book and we went crazy cuz we're two gringos in the dusty old streets of Colombia. We talked for a while and we told him about our english classes in the church. We told him the time of our sacrament meeting too but thought nothing of it cuz he explained that he was catholic. But Sunday rolled around and the dude was there at church. I sat next to him and walked him through everything. He wanted to know a ton more and was shocked that our church is not full of herotics and crazy irreverent worshiping. This man wanted a book of mormon and to know more. Crazy 

    The other day I got hit on because I was white. We asked this inactive girl to go get her book of mormon, and she comes back wearing a dress which kinda exposed her boobs. She told me I had cute eyes. It was weird. 

    We constantly are inviting people to do things because we know if they will just do it they will be soooo much happier and through the act of doing something they will come to a knowledge of the truth for themselves. If you want to know what an Apple tastes like then you have to eat an Apple. If you want to know how sunshine feels, you gotta step in the light. I can describe it to you but ultimately you will never know until you try it for yourself. If you don't have a testimony of the bible, read the bible. If you don't know that God answers prayers, start praying. If you don't know If the book of mormon is true, read the book of mormon. In the scriptures it says that we need to "experiment upon the words of christ".  I testify with all my heart that if you experiment with real intent you can know about God, prophets, the book of mormon, etc. I have experimented and have come to a knowledge. I know I have not been deceived or pressured into it. That is why I am here, and I beg you to do the same. 

I love all of you. Please tell me about your lives. Also go cougs. Do something stupid but not too stupid. 
Con mucho amor,
Elder Rouse 


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