Que tal familia? 

So much stuff and absolutely no time. I love all of you. 

Broken everything-
First day I got here and I got to our apartment it was dirty, and everything was broken. All the cabinets were broken and dirty, and it was honestly a low point. I prayed a lot to God and told myself the gospel has to be true or what the crap am I doing. I got to work gutting trash out and dust. I found a moldy pillow case and wiped out the inside because we didn't own rags. Colombia!!!!

God knows how much effort we are putting into showing him that we care. I was advised to give up my favorite sin and I would be blessed. God knows how much that sin means to you, and he will be able to bless you even more if you give it up in His name. I feel that I have lived a pretty clean life, but my favorite sin deep deep deep in my heart is that I think I'm better than some people. I prayed for humility, and I got some humility hahaha. Don't pray for humility haha. Jk do it. 
If you want something from God, give up your favorite sin and see what God does in your life.

Colombia cosas-
Colombians love 4 things: food, fútbol, familia, y música. Every single Colombian home has these I swear. And they will all try to talk to you about these things at the same time for hours. Yup Colombia 

Love y'all.  Let me know what is going on in your lives. I have like no time. 
Con amor,

Elder Rouse 


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