Que tal mi familia, 
We are in the mission home right now and he told us all to write to our families.  So literally so much has happened in one day. The most important thing that I want you guys to know is that I am loving it so far. I can understand the language of everyone except people from barranquilla. haha. I had great and natural conversations with everyone on my flights. I was the only missionary who did not sit next to another missionary on any of his flights which I can consider a blessing. The person I talked to on the way to Barranquilla was from colombia. She was super nice and we talked together in Spanish and a lot of Spanish as well. Haha, we talked the whole flight and I was able to share my testimony and get her facebook account. It was a blessing for me because I gained a ton of confidence and learned a ton. All the missionaries are super nice and the leaders are awesome. We stayed in a super nice hotel last night. I was with a missionary who was super awesome but was feeling the same way I was feeling at the start of ccm in regards to his testimony. It was cool to be able to help him. It is cool to be around so many people who want to do the right thing. There is so much more but not enough time.  
Love you guys, I was born for this 
Elder Rouse


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